David Brier. Sztuka odróżniania.

Kolejnym gościem cyklu POROZMAWIAJMY O MARCE jest David Brier, światowej sławy ekspert w dziedzinie brandingu, autor bestsellera BRAND INTERVENTION.

Z rozmowy dowiesz się:

  • jaka jest najlepsza definicja brandingu,
  • jak odróżnić się od konkurencji, –
  • jakie są cechy wyjątkowej marki oraz
  • kiedy powinieneś pomyśleć o rebrandingu.

David Brier od 40 lat pracuje jako ekspert w dziedzinie brandingu i rebrandingu. Laureat ponad 320 międzynarodowych nagród za design i branding. Zdobywca wyjątkowego wyróżnienia – medalu „Presidential Ambassador for Global Entrepreneurship”. Wspiera zarówno start-upy, jak i globalne organizacje oraz wszystkie firmy poszukujące niekonwencjonalnych czynników przewagi w dzisiejszym świecie biznesowym. Numer jeden w rankingu Google’a w dziedzinie rebrandingu.

The next guest of LET`S TALK BRAND series is David Brier, a world-class branding expert, bestselling author of #1 Amazon book „BRAND INTERVENTION”.

From the interview you will learn:

  • what is the best definition of branding,
  • what are the most powerful ways to differentiate a brand,
  • what are the traits of an exceptional brand and
  • when you should think about rebranding.

David Brier is the recipient of over 320 international awards on design and branding, David Brier has the rare distinction of being presented the Presidential Ambassador for Global Entrepreneurship medallion.

A native New Yorker and Google’s #1 ranked rebranding expert, David’s 4 decades of branding expertise are sought after by companies of all sizes — from startups to global organizations — and every industry demanding an unorthodox edge in today’s business climate.

In addition to being a branding and rebranding expert and keynote speaker, David is the bestselling author of his #1 Amazon book, “BRAND INTERVENTION, 33 Steps to Transform the Brand You Have Into the Brand You Need” with Foreword written by Shark Tank star and CEO of FUBU Daymond John.

Claude Silver (Chief Heart Officer at VaynerMedia, Gary Vaynerchuk’s agency) wrote, “This is not only an outstanding book on branding but is an excellent example of branding, design and content I keep in my office. I only wish I had this book at the beginning of my career.”

David and his work have been featured in ADWEEK, Fast Company, Forbes, INC, Huffington Post, Entrepreneur, Thrive Global, the New York Times and numerous blogs and podcasts around the world.

Media patronage

Podcast partner
Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa w Gdańsku
Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa w Gdyni



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